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加拿大Ron Richmond博士应邀为我校师生做报告

发布日期:2016/03/15    点击:

3月11日上午9点,加拿大University of Regina退休教授 Ron Richmond博士应邀在7JC306教室做了题为“Teaching School Mathematics in Canada: Some Basic Trends and Issues”的专题报告。数学教育教研中心的全体老师,部分研究生和本科生参加了报告会,本次报告会由数学科学学院王洪凯副院长主持。

在报告中,Ron Richmond博士从“Role of learning theories”,“Role of culturalperspectives”,“Formal policies”,“Reactions and debate”等四个方面详细介绍了加拿大中小学数学教育的一些理念和具体做法,以及加拿大中小学数学教师的培养情况。他通过具体例子对“Teacher-centred classroom,Learner-centred classroom”,“Passive learning,Active learning”等概念进行了解释,向在场师生生动地展示了国外的数学课堂教学环节。

报告会的互动环节,Ron Richmond博士耐心、细致地回答了到场师生的提问。

报告会后,Ron Richmond博士与数学科学学院领导班子亲切座谈,并合影留念。

Ron Richmond博士简介:

Dr Ron Richmond is a retired Education professor, University of Regina, in Canada. He received his PhD degree in Mathematics Education in 1983 from the University of Alberta and was once Chair of the Elementary Education Department in his university. He has been a junior/senior middle school teacher, principal/ headmaster, and a teacher in Africa. Dr Ron was with the University of Regina for 25

years of his career.

