姓名 | 宋彩芹 | 性别 | 女 |
出生年月 | 1983.07 | 民族 | 汉 |
职称/学位 | 副教授/博士 | 职务 |
毕业院校 | 华东师范大学 |
办公电话 | 0531-82765840 |
通讯地址 | 济南大学数学科学学院 |
电子邮箱 | songcaiqin1983@163.com |
2. 动力系统稳定分析中Sylvester矩阵方程的高效算法研究(244),中国博士后科学基金面上项目一等资助, 2017.03—2019.02,主持。
3. 若干特殊Sylvester矩阵方程的解及其在控制论中的应用(2013M541900),中国博士后科学基金面上项目二等资助,2013.09—2015.09,主持。
1. Caiqin Song, Guoliang Chen, Linlin Zhao, Iterative solutions to coupled Sylvester-transpose matrix equations, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol.35, pp:4675-4683, 2011. (JCR一区)
2. Caiqin Song, Hongxing Rui, Xiaodong Wang, Jianli Zhao, Closed-form solutions to the non-homogeneous Yakubovich-transpose matrix equation, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol.267, pp: 72-81, 2014. (JCR二区)
3. Caiqin Song, Jun-e Feng, On solutions to the matrix equations XB-AX=CY,Journal of the Franklin Institute, Vol.353, pp: 1075-1088, 2016. (JCR二区)
4. Caiqin Song, Guoliang Chen, Solutions to matrix equations X-AXB=CY, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 343, pp: 488–500, 2018. (JCR二区)
5. Caiqin Song, Guoliang Chen, Solutions to the matrix equation X-AXB=CY+R and its application, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, Vol.40, No. 3, pp: 995–1004, 2018 (SCI)
6. Caiqin Song, Jun-e Feng, Xiaodong Wang, Jianli Zhao, Parametric solutions to the generalized discrete Yakubovich-transpose matrix equation, Asian Journal of Control, Vol.16, No.4, pp:1-8, 2014. (SCI)
7. Caiqin Song, Guoliang Chen, Qingbing Liu, Explicit solutions to the quaternion matrix equations X-AXF=C, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Vol.89, No.7, pp: 890–900, 2012. (SCI)
8. Caiqin Song, Guoliang Chen, Xiangyun Zhang, An iterative solution to coupled quaternion matrix equations, Filomat, Vol.26, No.4, pp: 809–826, 2012.(SCI)
9. Caiqin Song, Guoliang Chen, Xiaodong Wang, On solutions of quaternion matrix equations XF-AX=BY, Acta Mathematica Scientia Sers B, Vol.32, No.5, pp: 1967-1982, 2012. (SCI)
10. Caiqin Song, Jun-e Feng, Jianli Zhao, A new technique for solving continuous Sylvester-conjugate matrix equation, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, Vol. 36, No.8, pp: 946 –953, 2014. (SCI)